Number of past Events: 105
Book Launch:  Mayfair By The Sea - The Story of Westgate (Volume Two)
17th September 2022
Westgate Galleria

Book Launch: Mayfair By The Sea - The Story of Westgate (Volume Two)

Meet Nick Evans as he signs copies of his new book Mayfair by the Sea - The Story of Westgate, Volume 2 The author Nick grew up in Birchington in Kent. After a career in journalism in a range of writing, design and production roles, he is now running Bygone Publishing based in Whitstable. He is the author of a popular series of books illustrating the development of Thanet's towns. The series has covered Broadstairs, Birchington, Cliftonville and Westgate-on-Sea so far. These books all fe...
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Looking back on Margate, 1970 to 1971
6th August 2022 - 1st September 2022
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Looking back on Margate, 1970 to 1971

A photographic portrayal of Winter and Summer scenes, captured in and around Margate during 1970/71 by Keris Eyton Williams. After a lifetime's career in farming, Keris has returned to Margate with a retrospective exhibition of mainly black and white photos. They were taken when he spent time in the town whilst studying photography in London. Keris' evocative images of people and scenes, the ordinary as well as the iconic, will delight all that love this seaside resort, back then and now. ...
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Coastal Views of Margate and its surrounds
2nd July 2022 - 4th August 2022
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Coastal Views of Margate and its surrounds

David Stanley returns to the Shoreline Galleries with his new paintings in an exhibition celebrating the nature of Margate and its surrounding areas,...
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From Ascot with Love: Alucci Fred's Spring/Summer Hat Collection
7th May 2022 - 4th June 2022
Westgate Galleria

From Ascot with Love: Alucci Fred's Spring/Summer Hat Collection

Are you looking for the perfect hat? To complement your Royal Ascot, prom, or wedding outfit? Jo Weeks is the designer and milliner behind our popular Alucci Fred range of headbands. She is putting on a showcase at Westgate Galleria just for you. Jo has designed her new seasonal collection around the theme of Opposites Attract. The use of opposing shades and tints on the colour wheel creates a vibrant, electric look for Royal Ascot, whereas the use of more muted tones creates a calmer, sof...
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Exhibition: Sarah Lake's Paper Cut Sketches
29th April 2022 - 25th May 2022
Westgate Galleria

Exhibition: Sarah Lake's Paper Cut Sketches

This exhibition showcases Sarah Lake's' intricate paper-cut portraits of wild animals. The selection of work includes her award-winning, Achilles, a Sumatran tiger. This won Sarah a place in Sketch for Survival Wildlife 100 Artists of the Year, 2021. This competition, organised by the conservation charity Explorers Against Extinction, attracts nearly 5000 entries each year. The judges said of Achilles," this paper cut has such a presence ... amazing given it is created with just bits of pa...
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Exhibition: Tony Caroli's Fused Glass Artworks
2nd April 2022 - 28th April 2022
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Exhibition: Tony Caroli's Fused Glass Artworks

Tony is a fused glass artist based in Ramsgate in Kent in the UK. Not having a definitive style,  he goes with the flow with his art. He frequently works on a number of pieces at the same time. He often revisits past creations and themes, exploring them again with new results. Each piece of Tony's fused glass art is carefully and lovingly created by hand. Sometimes starting with a sketch, developing it into a workshop template. Sometimes simply cutting, forming and shaping the glass. I...
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Every moment is a fresh beginning
1st April 2022 - 5th April 2022
External Venue

Every moment is a fresh beginning

A curated selection of new work by 40 local artists, makers and creatives who work with us at Westgate Galleria and The Eclectic Art Gallery, Margate. Inspired by the infamous misquote of TS Elliot, this year’s exhibiting artisans are: Creative Writers Ann Lloyd Carol M Creasey Fibre artists Jill Young Jo Padgham Jo Perry Joy Reynolds Lola McDowell Glass artists Celine Libera Christine Jeffryes Glen Marsh Sarah Gibbon Painters Deborah Isabella Gilbert Dee Newton Eve ...
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Exhibition: Eve Stickler's Technicolour lens on our World
5th March 2022 - 31st March 2022
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Exhibition: Eve Stickler's Technicolour lens on our World

Eve Stickler will be sharing her technicolour 'lens on the world' with us in March 2022. Eve's acrylic paintings explore her love of Thanet through colour, shimmer, shadow and shape. They feature scenes from the day-to-day around Margate, Ramsgate and the surrounding areas. A collection of Eve's new small works will be on display on our Guest Wall at The Eclectic Art Gallery, from 5th to 31st March 2022. Entry is free. All work is available to purchase. Eve's exhibition takes place alon...
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Exhibition: Heidi Schaffner returns to Eclectic
8th January 2022 - 2nd March 2022
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Exhibition: Heidi Schaffner returns to Eclectic

With an abundance of colour and an extravagance of paint Heidi Schaffner looks to convey the quirky, unique beauty of the animals we share our planet with but who are often in danger of extinction. Her hope is that her paintings evoke feelings of joy, positivity and most important, an awareness of our need to love and protect them. We are very pleased to be welcoming back to the gallery Heidi with a selection of her recent animal portrait paintings. They will be on display from 8th January...
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Exhibition: Vivian Riches' Florals
30th November 2021 - 29th January 2022
Westgate Galleria

Exhibition: Vivian Riches' Florals

Update: This show has been extended until the end of January 2022, with a fresh hanging of new paintings by Vivian not seen locally before. Vivian Riches is a professional artist living in Wingham, Kent. She is a painter of vibrant, contemporary landscapes and florals.  She works  in various mediums, including watercolour, acrylics and oils. Vivian works spontaneously, allowing the painting to evolve as she goes along.  She is always experimenting with different tools and techniques to ...
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Nick Evans - meet the author & book signing
13th November 2021
Westgate Galleria

Nick Evans - meet the author & book signing

Meet Nick Evans as he signs copies of his delightful new book The New Town On The Cliffs - The Story Of Cliftonville (volume two). The author Nick grew up in Birchington in Kent. After a career in journalism in a range of writing, design and production roles, he is now running Bygone Publishing based in Whitstable. He is the author of a popular series of books illustrating the development of Thanet's towns. The series has covered Broadstairs, Birchington, Cliftonville and Westgate-on-Sea...
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Upcoming Blossom
5th November 2021 - 2nd December 2021
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Upcoming Blossom

Born and raised in Swansea, South Wales, Peter W Rushton is never without a creative thought. He is constantly inspired by what’s around him. Since leaving art school, over 40 years ago, his professional career and his love of painting and art have run in parallel. He started his career as a professional illustrator.  He worked as a Creative Director in some of the leading international Advertising Agencies whilst still painting for exhibitions and working on commissions. Peter's best-love...
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Nature Most Colourful
2nd November 2021 - 27th November 2021
Westgate Galleria

Nature Most Colourful

Nature Most Colourful is a selection of Lorraine Kinnear's impactful photographs, celebrating the beauty of nature. Lorraine's photographs are enhanced and manipulated using various techniques to produce surprising and unusual effects. These provide a fresh way of looking at something familiar. A common theme in Lorraine's work is her interest in exploring the idea of creating something unusual out of an ordinary everyday object. Her colourful artworks show nature in abstract form. N...
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8th October 2021 - 31st October 2021
The Eclectic Art Gallery


Sarah Wyld invites you to see her colour and black and white photographs of surfaces that have been altered by humans (which we've been doing for around 44000 years). These walls, roads, trees, cliffs, and more, have also been altered by the sun, weather, and time. In October 2021 Sarah is exhibiting on our Guest Wall at The Eclectic Art Gallery just a few of these surfaces that have caught her eye and touched her soul, from the 1970's to the present day. They are brought to you from Londo...
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5th October 2021 - 30th October 2021
Westgate Galleria


Westgate Galleria welcomes Viktoriya Richardson's exhibition, Spectrum  on its Guest Wall in October. Her acrylic paintings and prints on canvas will include portraits, abstracts, landscapes and seascapes. Viktoriya's work demonstrates an individual style that brings movement and flow to her subjects, with the use of vibrant colour and technique. The exhibition runs from 5th to 30th October and entry is free.  Open -  Mondays to Saturdays, 10am to 5pm.  All work will be ...
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Local Impressionists at Eclectic
4th September 2021 - 6th October 2021
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Local Impressionists at Eclectic

Steven Alexander and Julian Lovegrove will be exhibiting a selection of their en plein air work on our guest wall at The Eclectic Art Gallery during September 2021. The exhibition runs from 4th September to 5th October and entry is free. Open -  Wednesdays to Sundays, 11am to 5pm. Some work will be available to purchase. At The Eclectic Art Gallery we display a diverse selection of contemporary art alongside our guest exhibitions. Works by a small group of Kent-based independent artists...
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Poetry of Sea and Shore
3rd September 2021 - 2nd October 2021
Westgate Galleria

Poetry of Sea and Shore

Poetry of Sea and Shore is an exhibition of Suzy Phillip's paintings. It takes place in September 2021, on Westgate Galleria's Guest Wall. Suzy's passion is for expressive, colourful paintings. She uses oils or acrylics combined with mixed media to create form and texture. Suzy paints intuitively, using mark making to add texture and colour. Her works are semi abstract. They create a memory and evoke a feeling or sense of place. Poetry of Sea and Shore runs from 3rd September to 2nd Oct...
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Wall-based Reliefs by Max Sheppard
6th August 2021 - 2nd September 2021
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Wall-based Reliefs by Max Sheppard

Max Sheppard works with wood, predominantly found on local beaches and marshland, as well as other materials such as plastics and metal. Often being boxy and angular in design, his wall-based reliefs are abstract in appearance but are based loosely around his architecturally inspired drawings. When it comes to composition, Max likes the shape, condition, and other characteristics of his materials to play a significant part in its decision. Though there may be an architectural link with his me...
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Land Sea & Sky: Art by Lorraine Kinnear
3rd August 2021 - 2nd September 2021
Westgate Galleria

Land Sea & Sky: Art by Lorraine Kinnear

Lorraine Kinnear is exhibiting a selection of her unique photographs on Westgate Galleria's Guest Wall in August 2021, alongside some colourful acrylic paintings, which are a new direction for her. Lorraine has lived in Kent for the last 20 years and considers herself fortunate to live in this beautiful part of the country. Its coastline, abundance of natural woodland and amazing sunsets provide endless photographic opportunities. She is very much inspired by nature and Whitstable, the are...
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Seashores and more: Dee Newton
5th July 2021 - 31st July 2021
Westgate Galleria

Seashores and more: Dee Newton

Dee Newton is exhibiting a selection of her artworks at Westgate Galleria in July 2021. They incorporate mixed media, acrylic and watercolour painting. Dee's aim is to illustrate her love of iconic Margate and its surrounding towns and shores. This exhibition will open on 5th July, and runs to 31st July. The Galleria is open Mondays to Saturdays, 10am to 5pm. Entry is free. Covid-control measures are in place. The work on display will be available for sale and there will be opportunitie...
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Heidi Schaffner, loving life as an Animal Artist in Kent
3rd July 2021 - 4th August 2021
The Eclectic Art Gallery

Heidi Schaffner, loving life as an Animal Artist in Kent

With an abundance of colour and an extravagance of paint Heidi Schaffner looks to convey the quirky, unique beauty of the animals we share our planet with but who are often in danger of extinction. Her hope is that her paintings evoke feelings of joy, positivity and an awareness of our need to love and protect them. This exhibition will open on 3rd July, and run to 4th August. The Gallery is open Wednesdays to Sundays, 11am to 5pm. Entry is free. Covid-control measures are in place. The...
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Meet the Author and Booking Signing 3 - Nick Evans
26th June 2021
Westgate Galleria

Meet the Author and Booking Signing 3 - Nick Evans

From the author of the popular Mayfair by The Sea, the Story of Westgate, we present Nick Evan's new book The New Town On The Cliffs - The Story Of Cliftonville (volume one). This book charts the area's early development and growth until the start of World War 2, with a special focus on The Lido pleasure complex and includes 150 contemporary photographs and postcards. Nick will be at Westgate Galleria on the afternoon of Saturday 26th June to talk to his readers about his research and the ...
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Fenella Ross: Places in Print
8th June 2021 - 3rd July 2021
Westgate Galleria

Fenella Ross: Places in Print

Fine Art Printmaker Fenella Ross will be exhibiting recent artworks on the Guest Wall at Westgate Galleria, from June 8th to July 3rd 2021. Some will be available for sale. Since graduating some time ago from GSA, (Glasgow School of Art) Fenella's work has been inspired by what she sees, and where she wanders, working from sketches & photography, exploring and creating series of prints on many themes. Fenella's printing processes include Lino, with reduction, Collagraph, Drypoint, d...
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My beautiful Thanet in the strangest of times: Eve Stickler
5th June 2021 - 1st July 2021
The Eclectic Art Gallery

My beautiful Thanet in the strangest of times: Eve Stickler

Eve Stickler is presenting a collection of her recent acrylic paintings, bringing her bold use of colour to the fore to brighten the spirit and bring joy when times felt so very grey This exhibition will open on 5th June, and run to 1st July. The Gallery is open Wednesdays to Sundays, 11am to 5pm. Entry is free. Covid-control measures are in place. The work on display will be available for sale....
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